Contact Governor Spencer Cox to Veto HB 81

The state of Utah is on its way to a full ban on fluoride in public water systems after a bill recently passed to take away a community’s right to decide about the cavity preventing mineral. 

House Bill 81 would adopt public policy that is in complete opposition to effectively decreasing dental decay and strengthening teeth enamel. Governor Spencer Cox can still oppose this legislation with your support. 

The Utah Department of Health and Human Services reports that the state was only 2% fluoridated prior to voter approval of fluoridation in two of the state’s three largest counties (Salt Lake and Davis 1.5M residents) around 2000. While pockets of the state remain without community water fluoridation, voters in these counties, representing nearly half of the population, moved the rate to 52% thanks to citizen support for the public health benefit. Let’s fight for the right to optimally fluoridate in Utah, especially if voters choose it.  

Evidence of reduced disease and cost implications without optimal fluoride levels provide a compelling reason to strongly consider the consequences of ending community water fluoridation.  

Urge Governor to veto HB 81.