2024 UDA Convention

2024 UDA Convention Speakers

Convention Speakers
Thursday, February 1, 2024

.JPEG  SLow photo
Sam Low, DDS, MS, MEd
Innovative Periodontics: "How To" from Techniques to Products
Thursday 8:30–11:30 am

Randy Huffines, DDS
Autoimmune Disease and Dentistry
Thursday, February 1, 2024 8:30-11:30 am, continues at 2:00

Karl Koerner, DDS, MS
Advanced Surgical Extraction Techniques for the General Dentist
Thursday, February 1, 2024 8:30-11:30 am

Larry Sangik - photo
Larry Sangrick, DDS
Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office, Why CPR is NOT Enough
Thursday, February 1, 2024 8:30-11:30 am

Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office, Why CPR is NOT Enough Handout

Mark Ludlow, DMD, MS
The Fully Digital Implant Patient: The Easy; The Difficult
Thursday, February 1, 2024 8:30-11:30 am

Diane Millar, RDH, MA
Sharpen Your Periodontal Scaling Skills Virtually: Elevate Your Career to a New Level
Thursday, February 1, 2024 8:30-11:30 am

Strategies for Injury Prevention While Practicing Dental Hygiene Handout

Tija Hunter photo
Tija Hunter, CDA
Pet Peeves
Thursday, February 1, 2024 8:30-11:30 am

No Handout will be available.

Greg Grobmyer, DDS
Top Coding and Documentation Strategies: Maximize Your Insurnace Reimbursement
Thursday, February 1, 2024 8:30 - 11:30 am

Denise Williams-Jones photo
Denise Williams-Jones
How You Can Help Your Doctor Put Together a 5-Star Team and Keep Them
Thursday, February 1, 2024 8:30-11:30 am

No Handout will be available.

Judy Kay Mausolf
Delivering W.O.W. Service: People will Forget Everything Except How You Made Them Feel!
Thursday, February 1, 2024 8:30-11:30 am

Delivering W.O.W. Service - Master Handout

Matt Mulcock, CFP
The Path to Retirement
Thursday, February 1, 2024 8:30-11:30 am

No Handout will be available.

David and Davey Alleman, photoLocal Speaker Series
David Alleman, DDS
Davey Alleman, DMD
The Six Lessons Approach to Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry
Thursday, February 1, 2024 9:00-10:00 am

The Six Lessons Approach to Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry Handout

hart ryan photo
Local Speaker Series

Ryan Hart, DDS
A Novel Categorization of Oral Devices for Head, Neck and Jaw Pain
Thursday, February 1, 2024 10:30-11:30 am

.JPEG  SLow photo
Samuel Low, DDS, MS, MEd
Create Quality Patient Care and Practice Growth with Laser Dynamics
Thursday, February 1, 2024 2:00-5:00 pm

Karl Koerner, DDS, MS
Avoiding or Managing Exodontia Complications
Thursday, February 1, 2024 2:00-4:00 PM

Avoiding Complications Handout

Larry Sangik - photo
Larry Sangrik, DDS
Understanding Dental Fear, Successfully Treating the Apprehensive Patient Thursday, February 1, 2024 2:00-5:00 pm

Understanding Dental Fear Successfully Treating the Apprehensive Patient Handout

Mark Ludlow, DDS, MS
Implant Complications: What Happened and How to Fix It
Thursday, February 1, 2024 2:00-4:00 pm

Michel Haynie pnoto
Michael Haynie, DDS
Five Bonding Pearls: You Really Should Know and How Abrasion Makes Your Life Easier
Thursday, February 1, 2024 2:00-4:00 pm

No Handout will be available

Kristen Evans, BS, RDH
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly: How the American Lifestyle Impacts our Oral and Systemic Health
Thursday, February 1, 2024 2:00-5:00 pm

No Handout will be available.

Tija Hunter photo
Tija Hunter, CDA
Documentation and the Dental Assistant
Thursday, February 1, 2024 2:00-4:00 pm

No handout will be available.

Mark Ludlow photo
Greg Grobmyer, DDS
Stay in the Know: Recent CDT Changes, Common Errors, and Underutilized Codes
Thursday, February 1, 2024 2:00-4:00 pm

Larry Sangik - photo
Judy Kay Mausolf
Communication Solutions: Attitudes, Breakdowns, and Conflict Resolutions
Thursday, February 1, 2024 2:00-4:00 pm

Communication Solutions - Master Handout

Denise Williams-Jones photo
Denise Williams-Jones, RDA
System Implementation Is the Key to Practice Growth
Thursday, February 1, 2024 2:00-4:00 pm

No Handout will be available.

Local Speaker Series
David Christensen, DDS
To All The Dental Injuries I have Ever Loved
Thursday, February 1, 2024 2:00-3:00 pm

Matt HamblinLocal Speaker Series
Matt Hamblin, BA
What Makes a Successful Practice Transition?
February 1, 2024 3:30-4:30 pm

No Handout will be available

Convention Speakers
Friday, February 2, 2024

Judy Kay Mausolf , photo
Randy Huffines, DDS
Xtreme Prevention in Older Adults
Friday, February 2, 2024 8:30-11:30 am

Larry Sangik - photo
Larry Sangrik, DDS
Nitrous Oxide and Oral Sedation on the Dental Patient
Friday, February 2, 2024 8:30 -11:30 am
This course qualities for Utah DOPL's sedation specific CE requirements.

Nitrous Oxide & Oral Sedation on the Dental Patient Handout

Troy Schmedding photo
Troy Schmedding, DDS
Simplify the Crazy World of Dental Adhesion
Friday, February 2, 2024 8:30-11:30 am

No Handout will be available.

Cameron Kuehne, DMD, MS
TMD Made Easy
Friday, February 2, 2024 8:30-11:30 am

No Handout will be available.

Richard Bauman photo
Richard Bauman, DMD, MS
Endodontic Complications: Prevention and Management with the Help of CBCT
Friday, February 2, 2024 8:30-11:30 am

Kristin Evans, BS, RDH
pH is the VIP of the OC
Friday, February 2, 2024 8:30 -11:30 am

No Handout will be available.

Tija Hunter photo
Tija Hunter, CDA
Become A Rock Star Dental Assistant!
Friday, February 2, 2024 8:30-11:30 am

No handout will be available.

Larry Sangik - photo
Judy Kay Mausolf
R.I.S.E. to Success: Systems and Strategies that Build High Performing Teams
Friday, February 2, 2024 8:30-11:30 am

R.I.S.E. to Success - Master Handout

Robyn Reis photo
Robyn Reis
5 Ways to Attract and Retain High Performing Team Members
Friday, February 2, 2024 8:30-11:30 am

5 Ways Handout Notes page

Gregory Tuttle, DDS
Set Down the Syringe, Pick Up the Drill. Uncover the Latest Advancements in Anesthesia with TuttleNumNow
Friday, February 2, 2024 8:30-11:30 am

Utilizing the TNN Intraosseous Injection Technique Handout

Brad Newman photo
Brad Newman
Best Dental Marketing: How to Leverage AI, Video Social Media, and more for New Patient Growth
Friday, February 2, 2024 8:30-11:30 am, continues at 2:00

Jeffery Jensen,  photoLocal Speaker Series
Jeffery Jensen, DDS, MS
Vaping: Does Smoke Mean Fire?
Friday, February 2, 2024 9:00-10:00 am

David DefayLocal Speaker Series
Dave Defay, DDS, MS
Orthodontics and the Thriving GP: Reduce Your Risk, Enhance Your Results, and Elevate Your Practice
Friday, February 2, 2024 10:30-11:30 am

No Handout will be available.

Judy Kay Mausolf , photo
Randy Huffines, DDS
Restorative Challenges in Older Patients
Friday, February 2, 2024 1:30-4:30 pm

Larry Sangik - photo
Larry Sangrik, DDS
Vital Signs and Patient Monitoring in Contemporary Dentistry
Friday, February 2, 2024 1:30-4:30 pm
This course qualifies for Utah's DOPL sedation specific CE requirements.

Vital Signs & Patient Monitoring in Contemporary Dentistry Handout

Troy Schmedding photo
Troy Schmedding, DDS
Principles and Protocols to Establish a Minimally Invasive Approach
Friday, February 2, 2024 2:00-4:00 pm

No Handout will be available.

Cameron Kuehne, DMD, MS
Dental Sleep Medicine for the General Dentist
Friday, February 2, 2024 2:00-4:00 pm

No Handout will be available.

Richard Bauman photo
Richard Bauman, DDS, MS
GentleWave Advanced Irrigation: Where Are We Now?
Friday, February 2, 2024 2:00-4:00 pm

Marko Vujicic, PhD
Four Key Trends Reshaping the Dental Practice Environment
Friday, February 2, 2024 2:00-4:00

No Handout will be available.

Greg Tuttle, DDS
Lower Molar Anesthesia - See Why TuttleNumbNow is a Game Changer Technique
Friday, February 2, 2024 2:00-4:00 pm

Utilizing the TNN Intraosseous Injection Technique Handout

Jeremy Manwaring Photo
Jeremy Manwaring, DDS, MS
Conquering the Mountain of Perio
Friday, February 2, 2024 1:30-4:30

Tija Hunter photo
Tija Hunter, CDA

Dental Unit Waterline Contamination
Friday, February 2, 2024 2:00-4:00 pm

No handout will be available.

Robyn Reis photo
Robyn Reis
Great Call: Process and Patient Handoffs
Friday, February 2, 2024 2:00-4:00 pm

GREAT Call Handout Notes page

Brett LeMmon- photo
Brett LeMmon, CPA
Obtaining Financial Freedom by Boosting Profitability, Minimizing Taxes, and Realizing Wealth
Friday, February 2, 2024 2:00-4:00 pm

Matthew Bitner photoLocal Speaker Series
Matt Bitner, MD
Balancing Act: Managing Your Professional and Personal Life as a Medical Provider - Thoughts from an Orthopedic Surgeon
Friday, February 2, 2024 1:30-2:30 pm

Ragnhild Read photoLocal Speaker Series
Ragnhild Read, BA
What the $%&@ Are They Thinking?
Friday, February 2, 2024 3:00-4:00